2024 Division F Conference


  • Xin Qin: Economic Capacity Withholding Bounds of Competitive Energy Storage Bidders

  • Fred Lydeard: Reversible Jump Markov chain Monte Carlo for Pulse Fitting

  • Chi-Jen Lo: Scalable Variational Monte Carlo: A Strictly Bayesian Approach to Sparse Gaussian Processes

  • Thomas Chaffey: Convergence of energy-based learning in linear resistive networks

  • Amr Gomaa: Toward a Surgeon-in-the-Loop Ophthalmic Robotic Apprentice using Reinforcement and Imitation Learning

  • Rory Byrne: Motor preparation as initialisation of intrinsic current

  • Jingbiao Mei: Improving Hateful Meme Detection through Retrieval-Guided Contrastive Learning

  • Billy Shi: Pay Attention! Human-Centric Improvements of LLM-based Interface for Assisting Software Test Case Development

More coming soon...